Both Scott and Josie are Mental Health Coaches through the American Association for Christian Counselors, Spiritual and Psychological First Aid Instructors, certified Chaplains through the International Conference of Police Chaplains, are credentialed in Grief following Trauma, Emotional and Spiritual Care in Disasters, Advanced Critical Incident Care for Individuals and Groups, and hold Masters Degrees in Leadership Development through Bethel Seminary in MN.
Baik Scott dan Josie adalah Pelatih Kesehatan Mental di American Association for Christian Counselors, Spiritual and Psychological First Aid Instructors, bersertifikat Chaplains melalui International Conference of Police Chaplains, disertifikasi terkait kasus dukacita setelah Trauma, Perawatan Emosional dan Spiritual dalam Bencana, Insiden Kritis Tingkat Lanjut Peduli Individu dan Kelompok, dan memiliki gelar Magister Pengembangan Kepemimpinan melalui Seminari Bethel di MN.